Company News - January 2021
Welcome to our monthly round-up of industry and company news.
It's hard to believe that Christmas was over a month ago and that we're already at the end of January. It's also hard to believe that we're still in the middle of a global pandemic and that many of us are still working from home. Who knew that one year ago when news about the virus began emerging from China, it would have such a devastating impact on the world.
It's not all doom and gloom though; the fact that we have several vaccines already approved and in use is nearly miraculous. Dare I say, so far the UK appears to be doing pretty well on vaccinating people, and the effort is expanding every day. This is massively positive, and although we are a long way from getting out of the current situation, there does appear to be light at the end of the tunnel.
Another positive outcome of Covid is that there is much more awareness and acceptance about mental health issues than there was a year ago. Of course, as a company director, I have the usual legal obligations about health and safety matters, and I have a duty of care to my team to ensure their general well-being is good. However, I feel that business leaders need to step up their game and focus on their teams mental and physical health by personally checking in with people, and ensuring that any issues are detected and addressed early on, rather than reacting after something has happened. Now is the time to look after yourself and those around you more than ever.

Covid support
Yet another positive thing we have witnessed during Covid times is that the nice side of human nature is well and truly alive, and as strong as ever. The kindness and generosity being shown by people is astounding, there are just so many useful initiatives and people doing good things.
As many of you are aware, back in March last year we made a pledge: If you are an outreach project, a community support group, a charity or part of our amazing NHS, we will provide you with our services - free of charge - for as long as you need them, this includes all call and SMS charges.
So far we've helped countless groups across the UK with free services and hundreds of thousands of free calls, and we intend to continue doing this, so if you know someone we can help, please send them our way.
Industry and Regulation News
Beta Testing - myTTNC
One of the things we're most looking forward to this year is the new customer control panel launch - myTTNC. This month, the Design and Development teams have been busy working on the final set of milestones and tasks, and we're still on track for a release in the first quarter of 2021.

Before the launch we'll run a 'beta' version of the new control panel for eight weeks, retiring the current version of myTTNC once completed. We would love to get some of you involved with the new control panel testing, so if you're interested, please drop us an email to
ISO Standards
This month we've been busy re-validating our ISO 9001 Standard for Quality Management, this involved us reviewing all of our processes and objectives, and completing an external audit. We're pleased to report that we achieved a pass and our ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Certification is valid until 2024.
No. 1 provider on TrustPilot
We're very proud to remain the No. 1 provider in three different categories on
TrustPilot, the independent review website:
No. 1 for Phone and Internet services
No. 1 for Telecommunications Service Provider
No. 1 for Telephone Company
Well done to the whole team and a big thank you to all of you who have left us with a review.
Please help us keep our ranking by giving us a review on Trustpilot.
Industry and Regulation News

With Coronavirus being one of the most talked-about subjects in history, it's no surprise that fraudsters are doing everything they can to exploit the situation.
Scammers are calling and sending text messages, which contain misinformation that could leave you out-of-pocket.
We urge everyone to look at Ofcom's advice for consumers who receive scam calls and texts about Coronavirus. - Read More
Stay connected during the pandemic
Broadband and mobile networks are under more demand because of the Covid regulations, with more families online together during the day.
With more people at home using the same connection, Ofcom has published seven tips to help you manage your data and get your household the bandwidth they need, for video streaming, virtual meetings and voice calls. - Read More
Product and Services News
New Control Panel
Our simplified, quicker, more powerful control panel is almost ready for beta testing. We are delighted with the new control panel, which offers the following features based on your feedback:
- A complete top to bottom redesign.
- Changes to screen flows and navigation.
- A major overhaul of Time Based Forwarding.
- A re-write of the Virtual Receptionist process.
- Much more visual and amalgamated Call Data.

Did You Know?
Monthly Minute Tariffs can save you money
Did you know that our Monthly Tariffs offer a significant reduction in forwarding rates compared to our Pay As You Go tariff?
With 01/02/03 numbers, even our lowest monthly tariff offers a reduction of 35% when forwarding calls to a UK Mobile.
Our Monthly Tariffs allocate a set amount of call credit to your account on the 1st of every month, giving you the peace of mind by not having to worry about automatic PAYG call credit purchases going through unexpectedly, at different times of the month.
There is no minimum contract length, all of our services are monthly rolling; allowing you to change the tariff at any point if you find one more suitable to your call volume.
To see the difference in forwarding rates, visit our Check Rate Tool page