Company News - January 2020
Company News
It's hard to believe that Christmas was over a month ago and that we're already at the end of January. Time flies by when you're busy and trying to finish off some major projects!
Beta Testing - myTTNC
One of the things we're most looking forward to this year is the launch of the new customer control panel - myTTNC. This month, the Design and Development teams have been busy working on the final set of milestones and tasks, and we're still on track for a soft release in the first quarter of 2020.
Before the launch we'll run a 'beta' version of the new control panel for eight weeks, retiring the current version of myTTNC once completed. We would love to get some of you involved with the testing of the new control panel.
ISO Standards
We're also in the final stages of implementing two different ISO Management Systems; The ISO 27001 Standard for Information Security Management, and the ISO 9001 Standard for Quality Management.
After many hours of meetings, consultations and assessments, we hope to achieve certification within the next two months; we'll keep you updated.
Social Media competition
This month also saw the launch of a competition where you could win our Voice over IP service free for 12 months. Entries close on the 31st January 2020, so if you haven't already taken part, please head over to our blog to read how you can enter.

Number one provider on Trustpilot
We're very proud to remain the number one provider in three different categories on Trustpilot, the independent review website:
No. 1 for Phone and Internet services
No. 1 for Telecommunications Service Provider
No. 1 for Telephone Company
Well done to the whole team and a big thank you to all of you who have left us with a review.
Please help us keep our ranking by giving us a review on Trustpilot.
Industry and Regulation News
International Numbers & Regulations
This month, we've expanded our range of international numbers to cover over 60% of the planet! Not only that, we've updated our regulatory requirements to make it as easy as possible to purchase numbers in locations you want.
You can view all the available areas and their requirements in our straightforward guide on our Help Centre.
Update to Information, Connection or Signposting Services (ICSS)
The PSA introduced new special conditions for all ICSS which came in to force on 20 December 2019. The special conditions covered all ICSS regardless of the number range they're using.
The special conditions aimed to reduce confusion and protect people from high call charges when using an ICSS.
Product and Services News
New Control Panel
Our simplified, quicker, more powerful control panel is almost ready for the next stage of testing. Playing with wireframes and prototypes is one thing but now, having a useable product is a great step forward for the project.
We're delighted with the new control panel, which following your feedback offers:
- Complete top to bottom redesign.
- Changes to screen flows and navigation.
- A major overhaul of Time Based Forwarding.
- A re-write of the Virtual Receptionist process.
- Much more visual and amalgamated Call Data.
We expect beta testing to begin at the end of February and would love some of you to be involved. If it's something you would be interested in, please send an email to
Update to TTNC Softphone App for desktop

This month there was a significant update to the TTNC Softphone App for desktop. You can now set the TTNC Softphone App to be the default application to make and receive calls on your laptop or PC.
Click-to-Call now works in any browser and on any operating system, allowing you to simply click on a phone number on a web page to make a call.
Did You Know?
Monthly Tariffs

Did you know that our Monthly Tariffs offer a significant reduction in forwarding rates compared to Pay As You Go?
With 01/02/03 numbers, even our lowest Monthly Tariff offers a reduction of 35% when forwarding calls to a UK Mobile.
Our Monthly Tariffs allocate a set amount of call credit to your account on the 1st of every month, giving you peace of mind by not having to worry about automatic PAYG call credit purchases going through unexpectedly, at different times of the month.
There is no minimum contract length, all of our services are monthly rolling; allowing you to change the tariff at any point if you find one more suitable to your call volume.
See our Forwarding Rates for more information