Company News - October 2020
I hope all of you are keeping safe and well.
These are certainly testing times for most businesses, but it's great to see that people are still starting up new ventures, expanding their operations and adopting new business practices.
We believe that over the coming months, a whole new wave of start-ups and new business models will be created to address new opportunities, and we're looking forward to working with them. We'll be there to guide and support them through their journey, sharing our knowledge and offering unbiased advice whenever we can.
TTNC is 16 years old
This month saw us begin our seventeenth year! When we started back in 2004, our industry was very different to how it is today; Voice over IP (VoIP) was in its infancy, Fibre Broadband was not available, and BT monopolised the industry.
Although telecoms and the business landscape has changed a lot, our mission remains the same; making advanced communication services accessible to everyone, giving people complete control of their services and providing great value for money.
We're lucky to be in a sector that has been relatively unaffected during the pandemic. With people moving to working from home and businesses looking to save money, the demand for our service continues to grow. I'm extremely thankful to all of the team and to all of our customers - past and present!
Covid response support update
As many of you are aware, back in March, we pledged to provide free services to any business, organisation or person who was responding to the Covid-19 crisis.
So far we've helped dozens of groups and organisations across the UK with free services and tens of thousands of calls.
We're pleased to announce that we are going to continue to do this for as long as it's needed so if you know someone we can help, please send them our way.
Industry and Regulation News

Ban on selling locked mobile handsets
Mobile phone companies will be banned from selling ‘locked’ handsets, under a range of new rules from Ofcom that will make switching even simpler.
This will allow people to move to a different network with their existing handset, hassle-free. The new rules will come in from December 2021. Read more
Scam calls fall by 75%
Fraudulent calls using 070 numbers fall dramatically following Ofcom regulation.
Data sourced from over 900 communication providers show that scam calls using the 070 number range have decreased by 75% between October 2019 and September 2020, this equates to over 10 million fewer scam calls made during a year. Read more
Product and Services News

myTTNC - update and Beta Testing
One of the things we were most looking forward to this year was the launch of the new customer control panel - myTTNC. Unfortunately, this has still not happened yet and I wanted to give an update.
Due to us taking on some extra development work for customers and adding some new features to myTTNC, we've postponed the launch to the first quarter of 2021. The Design and Development teams have been busy working on the final set of milestones and tasks, and we're still on track for a soft release at the end of this year so we can test internally.
If you would like to beta test myTTNC next year, please get in contact, it would be great to have as many beta testers as possible!
Did you know?
Auto Top-Up
Our Automatic Top Up service means you can save time and no longer worry about having to top up your call credit manually. By default, when your Call Credit drops below £5, we'll automatically take payment for a £25 top up.
This feature will need to be enabled when adding a payment card to myTTNC, it is not active by default. Please note, you will need to re-select the option anytime you add a new card.
To learn how to set up the Auto Top-Up feature, please see our help guide