Set the right tone with a Professional Voice Recording
First impressions last, make sure you make a good one by adding a professionally recorded greeting on your phone line.
Whether you have a Call Greeting to welcome your callers, a Virtual Receptionist to give your callers options, periodic messages during Call Queueing or a Voicemail greeting, having a professional recorded message adds a level of gravitas to your business communications.
We offer a wide range of professional Voice Artists ready to record your scripts, as well as background music that can be combined to set the right tone for your company.
What do our customers think?
Teleperformance is the worldwide leader in outsourced multichannel customer experience management. We've helped script and produce recordings for some of their big brand clients. James, from their Telephony Team, explains, "Our company have used TTNC several times now for their professional voice talent services." James goes on, "All interactions from TTNC have been prompt and professional, with quick turnarounds with some relatively large voice recording requests we have had processed by them. Highly recommended to anyone seeking a swift and professional service."
Moixa, a British cleantech company, are the UK's leading smart battery producer. Chiara got in touch to "order a new IVR greeting for our company number." She continues, "They kept us involved and informed every step of the way, and they were extremely helpful and responsive to our queries. The recording ended up being of very good quality, and it was put to use straight away."
Utility Pros specialise in all types of central heating systems, plumbing and gas work. They are using Professional Voice Recordings throughout their numbers, and Director Ian is impressed with the turnaround speed. "Voice recording requested on the evening and delivered the next morning, what more could you ask for, very competitive pricing and finally a company that does everything you need under one roof."
Monmouth Scientific, one of the UK's leading designers, manufacturers and suppliers of clean air solutions, use our recordings for their Virtual Receptionist. Michael, from their Marketing team, was pleased with the recordings, he says that we offer "a fantastic and high-quality service at a very reasonable price. We are thrilled with the professional recording TTNC produced for our phone system and would certainly recommend them!"
TFS Direct, the UK's number one specifier and supplier of aluminium gates, security gate hardware, access control and automation systems, have purchased multiple recordings as they wanted to have a consistent voice across the different facets of their business. Stewart got in touch with us based on a recommendation; he tells us, "After getting the first set of recordings back really quickly and being so happy with the results, we went straight back to get further ones done when we needed to tweak menus further." It's great to hear that the recommendation paid off! He continues, "Really pleased with the quality, speed, price and support that was given by the team."
How can I purchase a Professional Voice Recording?
You can listen to samples of all of our Voice Artists and background music options on our website. You can then complete the enquiry form at the bottom of the page, and our team will give you a quote for the recording and make any suggestions to improve your script.
Alternatively, you can get a quote and purchase individual scripts from within myTTNC.
Recordings usually take 1-2 days to record, and we offer a wide range of file formats and encodings to suit your needs.
If you're interested in a Professional Voice Recording for your business and would like to discuss your requirements, you can either complete the Professional Voice Recording Enquiry Form or drop an email to