Ofcom publishes Internet use and attitudes bulletin 2011

Ofcom has published its 2011 Internet use and attitudes bulletin – a round-up of key internet metrics across a variety of g

Ofcom's ongoing monitoring of rules to prevent silent calls

Now in it's 5th year, Ofcom have decided to extend this initiative against 'persons or organisations causing annoya

New account wide Call Management Packages available from TTNC Limited

Account wide Packages - from £7 a month We have 3 new Call Management Packages to offer you - Extra, Enhanced and Everythin

Changes to European telecoms law – benefits for UK consumers

Ofcom has confirmed a number of changes to its regulations that will benefit consumers, as a result of new European telecom

Pay Monthly tariffs - our lowest call forwarding rates ever

Our Pay Monthly tariffs now offer the best call forwarding rates we have ever had. This is particularly key to those of you

Ofcom starts looking into 'bill shock'

Ofcom have asked consumers if they have received a one-off unexpectedly high mobile, landline or broadband bill in the past

Social networking drives growth as new PhonepayPlus Code of Practice is published

The Current and Emerging Trends in the UK Premium Rate Services (PRS) annual market report was released today. I don’t thi

Update regarding changes to PhonepayPlus' new Registration Scheme

PhonepayPlus yesterday announced a further update to the changes in their Registration Scheme. This new registration proces

Ofcom update: Ofcom confirms mobile termination rates for next four years

Ofcom have finally announced the plan for scaling mobile termination rates down over the next 4 years. This is big news, as

PhonepayPlus responds to Ofcom’s ‘Simplifying Non-Geographic Numbers’ consultation

PhonepayPlus has responded to Ofcom’s consultation ‘Simplifying Non-Geographic Numbers’. As the regulatory body for premium

Ofcom propose changes to available contracts

Ofcom have announced further suggested regulation changes due to new European laws taking affect in May 2011. This time it’

Texting the emergency services – Ofcom proposes to safeguard scheme

As part of Ofcom’s recent consultation on changes to regulation due to new European law coming in May 2011, Ofcom are propo

Porting phone numbers and compensation scheme

Ofcom have a been undertaking a wide-ranging consultation on a number of areas of regulation in order to reflect new Europe

TTNC introduces the Refer-a-Friend scheme

Personal recommendations are a great way of spreading a good thing. We love it when people come to us because they’ve been

Ofcom Update: Ofcom publishes research on Text Relay services

Ofcom has today published research to assess how well the current Text Relay service is working for deaf and hearing-impair

Ofcom Update: New silent calls rules come into force tomorrow

From tomorrow, 1 February, new rules come into force which are designed to prevent consumers being harassed by repeated sil

World Snooker Championship uses TTNC to supply a memorable number and call services

TTNC Limited has been selected to supply a Memorable phone Number and a Call Queuing solution which will be used for the ma

New TTNC Web site launched

In our experience, our customers are always demanding the most up-to-date services and facilities, which is why we have bee

Pay Monthly Minute packages introduced

After receiving several requests from some of our existing customers, we have launched a new way for customers to pay for t

Ofcom update: Consultation on tackling consumer confusion over call charges

Ofcom today published a consultation on tackling consumer concern and confusion over the cost of calling businesses and oth

Ofcom Update: Ofcom Consultation: internal processes

Ofcom has today published four consultations about the way it conducts its internal processes. The consultations are below

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