TTNC Zapier App launched

We're pleased to announce our partnership with the automation platform Zapier. Our App will enable you to automatically send an SMS or make a Phone Call.

Company News - September 2019

The latest news from TTNC, the telecoms industry and the regulator this month - September 2019

Company News
Tags now included in CDR downloads

Download your call data records (CDR’s) and you will see your phone number tags on CDR downloads.

VoIP Hardware - Let's Get Physical

Did you know that we supply VoIP Handsets and Adapters? We have everything you need to get up and running with VoIP.

10 million numbers released

Ofcom introduces new 020 4 number range for London. Ofcom has today announced the release of 10 million new phone number for the London area.

Virtual Numbers
Company News - August 2019

What's happened at TTNC this month.

Company News
Number spoofing

Unfortunately, there's a growing trend of nuisance callers deliberately changing their Caller ID to hide their identity, this is known as 'Number Spoofing'.

Company News - July 2019

What's happened at TTNC this month.

Company News
Introducing the TTNC Softphone App for Mobile

Making and receiving calls has never been easier! We are delighted to announce the launch of our brand-new Softphone App

New Number Porting rules go live

Today, Ofcom announced that the Porting Override Request (POR) process is now live and has been rolled out as a standard process within the industry.

TTNC News - June 2019

What's happened at TTNC this month.

Company News
New Framework for fairness

In a bid to stamp out unfair practices and confusion, Ofcom’s Fairness Framework will support companies in their work to improve customer service and make fairness a core part of their business.

070 Number changes - Rules to combat fraud & unexpected call costs

Last year, Ofcom announced that from the 1st of October 2019, the cost to call an 070 Number would be the same cost as calling a UK Mobile Number.

TTNC News - May 2019

What's happened at TTNC this month.

Company News
Ofcom: New rules for contracts and best deals

Telephone, Broadband and Pay-TV customers must be warned when their minimum contract period is coming to an end, under new rules announced today by Ofcom.

Deja Woooo! TTNC Win at the ITSPA Awards for the second year on the trot!

The 11th Annual ITSPA Awards ceremony took place in London on the 1st of May 2019. TTNC come away with the award in the 'Best SOHO/Consumer ITSP' category.

Comms Council UK
TTNC News - April 2019

What's happening at TTNC this month

Company News
Document Verification for International Numbers

Regulatory enforcement related to phone numbers is on the rise around the world. This increased scrutiny is driven by various factors including increased incidents of misuse and abuse of phone numbers, and heightened national security concerns.

Number Porting Protection

Looking beyond current porting arrangements, Ofcom believes that it's time to transform how telephone numbers are administered, authenticated and ported.

TTNC News - March 2019

What's happening at TTNC this month

Company News
Big Reductions for PAYG SMS and Bulk SMS Bundles

Using SMS as a communications channel can be vital to the success of your business. Now the cost of sending SMS from your TTNC number has been slashed.

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